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doing business that Matters

Iron Currency Solutions team of experience professionals bring knowledge, experience and expertise in cyber security, healthcare, logistics, strategic business solutions, information technology and renewable energy to name a few.  Our professionals leverage our networks and expertise to help small businesses compete for capital to expand their operations and build operations to increase their revenues.

Our Expertise

Impact Solutions

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Increases in work at home demand has heighten the need for more cyber penetration security and cloud security monitoring. ICS experienced cyber and surveillance analyst perform independent threat assessments and develop solutions to fortify the business systems and assets.  Our teams have the ability to eliminate current and future gaps in security.

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The continent of Africa has 5 of the fast growing economies in the world, with an exploding population where the median age is 17.  Africa is not only rich in human capital, but natural resources.  This makes opening a gateway to an emerging market a great investment opportunity. ICS is working with businesses in several different Africa markets.  Let us help you do business in Africa. 

Business Team


Solving problems for small and medium business is our passion.  With over 100 years of combined experience, the ICS teams knowledge and networks from some of America's top Fortune 500 countries can be leveraged to help optimize performance, develop strategic solutions and find funding to expand your business operations.



Working smarter and not harder is what small and medium businesses need to do to compete in the world economy.  Technology solutions can level the playing field and make them more competetive.  Whether it is using drone technolgy, remote monitoring systems or self sustaining solar technology, smart tech tools can lower cost, improve performance and increase revenues.

Schedule an Assessment Meeting


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IRON Currency Solutions

LIFE is about Embracing your Destiny and Leaving Your Mark on the World. 
What have you done today that the World will Remember?

Keeping up with the Global Markets

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